Monday, March 29, 2010

..whiter than snow..

when i was googling, i saw this pic... and something came to my mind about 2 things... SUN and SNOW... SUN talks about HOPE in my heart. i remember about Hosea 6:3 and the song of Brooke Fraser, it says - "as surely as the SUN will rise You'll come to us, certain as the dawn appears..."
SNOW talks about PURITY... that He'll cleanse our hearts whiter than snow...

a few days ago, i made an extreme decision... when i discussed with a friend (a man), he said that i have been so brave to do that... not all women could do it. one thing caused me and pushed me and motivated me to do it : " i wanted to make my heart whiter than snow "... i didn't care what people would say... i just had a business with HIM...

i knew it's great decision, but after i did it, i felt free... and when i had prayer on that night, God came to me and said, "Vi, don't you know, it's what I want to do in your life, to make you understand that I just have a business with your heart, your life... not with others' hearts."
i was crying when He said it. Philipians 3:13-14 reminded me to release all useless things in my life... and i did it... i offered all of my hopes and dreams to His hand.
it's not easy... but i learn to put my trust in Him everyday. i think i could call it : "the delayed of hope."... hahahaha....


Tuesday, March 16, 2010

... what is left ?? ...

When you find nothing in your room of life,
make sure that there's a word of God left in it.


Sunday, March 14, 2010

-- L i F E --

Life must have a destination
it's usual called Vision
Mission is the Journey
for us
to Reach the Vision
Journey is the process
which needs Time to Pay


Friday, March 12, 2010

*** Walking with.... ***

what do you think about this pic?
i've just found it and it talks many things, especially about my life. i find myself walking on that long path. i've seen it since 2 or 3 years ago when i prayed. till now i see my life is still walking, it's very long long way to go... and i don't know where the finish line is.

2 years ago, when i had praying and fasting with all the staffs, leaders and elders, someone prayed for me. she said that she looked me walking freely after tore down the veils which veiled my life that made me couldn't see clearly the way where i wanted to go. i didn't walk with empty hands. she saw that i was bringing a bag. that's filled with the equipments which i would use later in my Canaan Land.
i didn't know where it is in reality. but on my vision, i was sure where i should go. the statement about The City on a Hill cannot be hidden... that's what i know until now. i will build that city which would be seen by many peoples... it's like a lighthouse i think.

i found myself in a domain of Education and Training. i'm still asking God, what should i do step by step. i just keep dreaming and thinking, what the next step i should take?
still struggling about it. 
still waiting for an answer that could influence my decision.
but i've ever thought that i must make up my mind with or without that answer.
so it means : DECIDE IT !!! My future is on my hands, and His.

when i saw this pic, i thought that's me walking with Him, and He took my bag with all of the equipments that i brought. so i could walk freely.
speaking with Him for along the way....
knowing Him more and more....

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