Wednesday, June 15, 2016

He is always with me...

And the LORD shall guide thee continually, 
and satisfy thy soul in drought, 
and make fat thy bones: 
and thou shalt be like a watered garden, 
and like a spring of water, whose waters fail not.

Last month, when I read the Bible in Isaiah 58:11, I realized something that I've always been asking in the deepest of my heart...  The question is about my prophetic vision about myself... I always see myself as a little girl that walks on a long path with one of her hand held by someone... He is Jesus of course, who holds my hand and guides me walking along the path...

Even though I walk through the desert, He's always with me and provides everything I need...
I've never seen He leaves me alone...
I've never had bad things whenever I walk through the dark valleys...
He protects and keeps me safe in His presence of love...

Even though He allows me to have a big difficulty or obstacle...and it makes me falling down... He never leaves me... He pulls me up and makes me walk again...

How great is my God...
How great You are, Jesus...
I am proud to be Your daughter... ^_^
