Sunday, December 30, 2012

little good things...

 Well... i've just got a lit bit of time to share...
Remembering my birthday last month, God spoke to me that He will give His blessings all the days of my life.
I got a confirmation from my friend in Medan who text me about Deu 28:1-14.

You know? He revealed some of His promises through some of friends and my cousin. They gave me presents which are I hoped and wanted to buy.
Even though those are little things, I could learn something about thanksgiving and how great is my God that I have because He doesn't answer big things only but also little things.
And for big things that I hope for, i have to wait for His time come into my life.... 
Still do not know when, how, He will reveal it....but I am sure the time will come.... Ec 3:11


Tuesday, December 18, 2012


when i am weak, You make me strong...
when i am poor, i know i am rich...
when people see an impossibility,
i believe there is a possibility in You...
when things go wrong, i know that all things work together for good 
to them that love God,
to them who are the called according to Your purpose...

i have seen many things You've done in me
things which are good for my life...
even though i couldn't see what the goodness is at the beginning...
but now...
You've shown me...
Your Love...
Your Power...
Your Purpose...

and i wanna say,
"thanks God for everything..."
