One of the definition of Love is Patient...
It's a simple word...
It's usually told by many people...
"The people who has it would be loved by God..."
But do you know what the other word of it ?
Patient is equal Suffereth Long (I Cor 13 : 4 - King James Version)
When you learn to be patient, you learn about suffering...
It's a suffering to wait a friend for an hour...
It's a suffering to train an employee who has not good character enough...
It's a suffering to teach children the lessons which they couldn't do well... etc...
It's not easy!!!
Do you realize that Jesus has had all the sufferings?
2000 years ago ... even till now ... !!!
He's still patient waiting for us to come back to Him again and again...
Everyday ... Everytime...
So... don't give up!!!
Keep on Fighting!!!
Walk with Him... cause He's with you...
to teach you...
to guide you...
to show you the way where there's no way...
to deliver you...
to protect you...
to give you peace...
to comfort you...
to give you wisdom...
to strengthen you...
Whatever you need...
He's still patient to wait you come to Him...
knock the door...
seek and ask Him...
Whatever you face these days...
Face it bravely...!!!
even walk through the valley of the shadow...
you'll fear no evil...
Thy rod and staff will comfort you...
Be Patient even you walk through the desert...
whatever storm you face...
Be Still and Patient...
You'll find the beauty of His works behind all those things...
Hi Novita, I looked up image for Cor13:4-8 in google & found your blog. Nice blog =D