Thursday, September 25, 2014

FHL #4

Colossians 3:24
Remember that the Lord will give you as a reward what He has kept for His people. For Christ is the real Master you serve.

This morning, God comforted my heart with this verse. It was like a real voice i heard. Mostly i think that i have to make a maximal achievement in every thing i do.... all things have to be perfect done.
Lately, i feel that i've done wrong things... i think that i've done my best but there's nothing i could get from it.

When i read this verse, i realized that i've done bad response and i want to change my heart and thoughts.

I want to entrust my life to God and believe that God has kept His best reward for me.
Only God who gives the reward.

There's a time for every thing...
Keep believing that His time will come...

I have to love people who have rejected and humiliated me.

Even though it isn't easy... i want to learn doing those things...
I believe that i can do every thing with Him.


FHL #3

Day 3 of my FHL Challenge....^_^

Colossians 3:3-4
For you died, and your life is now hidden with Christ in God. When Christ, who is your life, appears, then you also will appear with Him in glory. (NIV)

My life is for Christ.
If i live for Christ, i have to live in spirit and in truth.
All the parts of my body is belong to God.

Christ is my hope of glory.
Appear with Him in glory is my burning desire.

Loving Christ = offering my body as a living sacrifice to God.

Let's live our lives for His glory... ^_^


Wednesday, September 24, 2014

FHL #2

Strenghthening my faith...

This second day of FHL Challenge I read Colossians 2.
I found an interesting thing at verse 7...
"rooted and built up in Him, strengthened in the faith as you were taught, and overflowing in thankfulness."

My faith has to be strengthened day by day... The question is by what?
It is surely by His Word which has been taught in my life.
I have to be rooted and built up in Him by His Word, so that i can grow and become a strong person in spirit and in truth.

Christ is the Hope of Glory.
I have to reach it till the end of the day.

To love His Word and meditate it day and night is my desire.

How great He is....


FHL #1...

Starting on Monday, i challenged myself to have a new breakthrough about Faith, Hope and Love... I just want to have a new mind set and discipline in doing something like this... reading, writing and sharing...

As we know that it isn't easy to face these days but we have to...
We can only face our lives with Him... We need God to help us... We need the power of His Word to change hearts and minds...

Here's the sharing of my first day in FHL Challenge...
I read Proverbs 22... When i read verse 29, - "Do you see a man skilled in his work? He will serve before kings; he will not serve before obscure men." - i got something in my heart... i felt God spoke spesifically for my life...

In everything i do, i believe that God is still in control.
I do my job not for men but for God...
I believe that i will gain something which He has prepared for me...
Even though i see bad or wrong circumstances around me, i wanna see like God sees because I believe that would be better days of working or maybe a challenging new place someday...
I learn how to love my job, even there's a list of boring job i have... hahahaha... beside that... God also teaches me to love my co-workers although some of them are not cooperative... 

In conclusion, I can't change every thing around me... the one thing i have to do is changing myself... ^_^

Praise God... *_*


Monday, September 22, 2014

in freedom....

Brighter sunlight...
Brighter shine and shine...
Brighter days of future from now on...

Sounds of freedom crying out on my ears...
Make me wipe away all my tears...
My heart shouts aloud i hear...
To Your court You draw me near...

Because of Your power...
Because of Your righteousness...
I can be stronger...
I can have courages...

In the freedom i'll dance...
In You i have my repentance...
For You died just once...
And i am saved and have acceptance...


Friday, September 5, 2014


Thinking about sacrifice...i remember about my experience last month when i went to Surabaya for attending my best friend's wedding...
Actually, it was hard for me to decide that trip because i thought about the high cost to go there, especially the flight cost... but someone motivated me to go... and finally i did it...

When i got the best price of ticket, i made a plan to go to Malang City for one night...
In every trip i usually have good planning... but not for last month...
Starting from the first day i arrived, i wanted to have time going from market to market at noon... i did it... but i didn't have enough time going with someone because there's another friend who has been her boyfriend... it happened until my last day in Surabaya...
I planned for a private trip with some close friends only... but the reality was different... hahaha... some new people came and joint the trip... and once again i had to release my comfort zone...

For along the trip i could enjoy...but not at the end of my day... When i arrived at Juanda Airport too heart started grumbling... "How can it be?!?! How fool i am in arranging my schedule...i have never been like this!!". I blamed my best friend for the bad schedule we had...
At that time, i knew that i was wrong... i knew that i had bad response... and i tried to control my feeling and thoughts... 
At the airport, God spoke to me that i had been too egoist... i'd been too perfectionist... Until today, He still speaks to me about what He wants me to learn...
To Love...
To be Ready in everything...

To Love is about to sacrifice...
Sacrifice what we love, what we like, what we want...
To Love is not only about pleasing other but also pleasing God...
I realized that i would have a big satisfaction which couldn't be paid by large amount of money when i see a happiness in someone because of my deed...even though she/he doesn't know how i do it... ^_^

Sacrifice is about feeling pain...
Behind the painful thing we have, there's a beautiful thing that God allows for us to learn...

These days i thank God for the lessons i might learn...
It is not easy but i believe that i am not alone facing those things because He is with me...
Whatever sad or bad experience we have, He is with us... ^_^
