Today, i went to cell community.. the time's changed to 10.00am, so we might be more flexible to fellowship and tomorrow still could go to the office freshly. Though I was late coming to Linda's house, but I wasn't late for the sharing time. When I arrived, they're still cooking and eating fried rice... hahahaha... it's fun time, cause we don't have to be in hurry.
The sharing time's coming... my cell leader lead to share about "Give Thanks". That's a good theme, I think. He asked us :
1. When is the latest givethanks that we made?
2. What kind of situation that could make us forget to givethanks?
When I heard those questions, I was spontaneously thinking and reminded about my life these days. The challenges which I face these days in family, working, and so on... How I had to be patient with my mom, and my co-workers at the office. When I was being upset, I could forget about giving thanks to God. The First response was bad, and after it be done, I regretted it.
But 2 days ago, I made up my mind and did something, a restitution with a friend in my dept. I could speak calmly with her and even motivated her, too. And yesterday, I could make a different when I spoke to her. It's my new achievement this month for managing my emotion and communication with a difficult people. Hehehehe... I hope, I could level up myself more and more for the next.
I thank God for every challenge that I face. (Romans 8:28)
How about you?
Have you given Him thanks?
When do you give Him thanks?
Rejoice evermore. Pray without ceasing. In every thing give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you.