Last Friday, my leader at office offered me something... She offered me to buy a book... it's an old book which published in 1978. It's about Discipline in Spirit (Celebration of Discipline - by Richard J. Foster). I decided to buy it. And on Saturday afternoon, my friend put it on my desk. When I saw that book, it's rather thick... I tried to open it... as usual if I buy a book, I might see the font, if it's interesting to read or not... and you know? the font of that book's small and no pictures at all.
But.. I still don't know, there's something made me eager to read it. And on that day (Saturday), I started to read it. I was going to Central Park Mal to have dinner and watch cinema with some of my friends in cell group. As long as I waited for watching cinema, I read that book. Wooow... you know? It's like finding something which had been long long time I've ever learned.
And I felt something like booster pushed me to read it more and more...
Actually.. it's a simple thing about Christianity... Discipline in Spirit... it sounds like a classic thing... but it's an important thing to do... I could say that I still do it... but I could say, too.. that I don't do it like before (like the first time I did it)...
I've just read the second chapter... All that I remember is about Meditation. Maybe it's very rare to hear it for some Christians. But, Meditation is always being a main part of Christian Worship, an important thing of preparation of Prayer Ministry. Meditation in Christianity is very different than the others.
In common, meditation is to make empty our minds to get some refreshment in our souls. But in Christianity, Meditation is to release all kind of unimportant thinking, sadness, etc.. and come nearly to His Presence, filling our hearts and minds with His Word which can bring us to be strengthened.
Actually, Meditation is very simple thing, we don't need many hard techniques to do it. Meditation is about waiting upon the Lord (Isa 40:31)... To wait upon Him isn't time to be lazy...but it's the heaviest work than other works for the people who don't do it as a habit. So, must build it as a habit at first.
It's not just a common devotion, but it's deeper than it.
In Meditation, we have to spend the special time for God... we can't do it in hurry... we need time longer than just reading a bible or praying.
When I was thinking about it... I was thinking about the quality of meditation that I have. Honestly... I've lost it... so I decided to build my discipline in waiting upon Him... Obey what He wants from me to do.
Long time I've been disobey when He woke me up at night to pray...
I just could say..."wait a moment, Pa... i still want to sleep..."
When He asked me to pray in tounge in every situation... i've ever refused to do it... "i'm sleepy, Pa.. want to relax for a while..."
But last week, something has woken me up, I couldn't sleep when I needed to sleep for along my way home... I felt something strange in my heart... it just made me pray in tounge... I didn't understand what I felt... I just obeyed what the Spirit guided me to do... prayed in tounge... and suddenly, I saw in my spirit... I saw my friend and her mom... reminded how she couldn't sleep for a few nights... reminded about her mom which had been from a place to seek a fortune... I saw that her mom brought something from that place.. it's a kind of little amulet... So... i told my friend about what I saw, and it's true.. Then, I asked her to pray more for her family and home.
After I experienced it, God told me... "Vi... I want to make you know more and more things... but I need your time.. just give Me your time.. just a few hours.."
I said to Him that I wanted to do it...
It's my prayer I've ever said... "Don't make me feel comfort until I find You"
It sounds extreme, maybe... but it is what I experience these days... getting out of my comfort zone and all of my tired.
Thanks God for my experiences You've given me these days.
Be StiLL... it's what I've to do...
In spirit and mind.