Sunday, October 3, 2010

" I will get up again !!! "

A few days ago, I saw a video clip which told about a lonely boy... so silent... desperate... felt like couldn't get up anymore... (and I thought that he's in prayer)... After a few seconds, he saw a little plant growing on the fissure of the rockwall and street... He saw closely and thinking, it's so unbelievable... How come?... you know what? Through that plant, he got something... a lesson for his life... an answer of his struggle... then he said "I will get up again!"... so, he left that place, did what he should do... and it's done successfully.

The plant is like the picture above. A flower that could grow at the uncommon place. But it still grows up though needs more efforts. Sometimes, we can feel ourlives like that flower... hard to continue ourlives, facing the problem by problem... pressed by the people and difficulties of life... etc.
Yess!!! Maybe it's the FACT of ourlives... but, don't you know? It's not the TRUTH.

The TRUTH is :

"We can do all things through Christ who Strengthens us!"

"God Will Make A Way where there seems to be no way"

"God is our Shepherd, we shall not want...through the darkness of ourlives,
He's always there"


Can you imagine that How Great is our God ?!!
So... what kind of troubles do you face these days ??
How deep have you fallen ??
Come and say, "I will get up again!!!"
"Hay Problem.... I have a Great God than you!!!"

Let's fill our hearts and minds with His Truth
When we're weak, He makes us strong.
So...Get up again, friends...
He's with us.

And now shall mine head be lifted up above mine enemies round about me: therefore will I offer in his tabernacle sacrifices of joy; I will sing, yea, I will sing praises unto the LORD.
Psalms 27:6



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