Thursday, October 16, 2014

Psalms 16:7

I praise You, Lord, for being my guide. Even in the darkest night, Your teachings fill my mind.
(Psalms 16:7 - CEV)

I like this verse so much when i read it this morning...
It reminds me about my days with Him since i was still a student of Junior and Senior High School. I remember every i went out lonely and had to go home lately at night, He guides me even until today.... I don't fear anything because one thing that i know He is with me.
Many times for along i am on my way back home after working, He leads and protects me...even though for a few times the pick pocket tried to take my belonging...

This verse is the basic thing that reminds me every day to think about what He has done in me and to give Him thanks... Sometimes i can take a note before sleep at night when i remember something that make me amazed.

His teachings fill my mind...
Even to a little thing, He reminds me...
Actually, the time before I sleep is the best time to have a journal for a day...
It is a lovely thing i usually do since i was at junior high school.


Saturday, October 11, 2014

FHL #6 ... How majestic is Your name...

O Lord... our Lord...
How majestic is Your name in all the earth...
You have set Your glory above the heavens...

Suddenly after reading this verse, i felt amazed.... i said to God, "How great is my God... who am i that You have given your life for me on calvary?... Thank you for loving me... You lifted me up from my sins and cleansed it away... Beautiful is Your love, Lord... How powerful is Your name... I am nothing without You..."

My faith is raising up...
My soul is longing for His love...
Every day and every time i think of Him...
He strengthens me again and again...


Wednesday, October 1, 2014

FHL #5

Let your conversation be always full of grace, seasoned with salt, so that you may know how to answer everyone.

I thank God for these days...  I believe He has made my days beautiful... 
This morning He speaks that i may not see every circumstance through my own perspective... I should consider every thing i do if it is appropriate with the Bible or not...
Be carefull with my words is the thing i should learn more and more...

I believe that my words can give big impact for everyone i meet...
My words can encourage and build their spirit and faith...

I hope for a new level of faith in my life...
God speaks to me that everyone is being trained by Him to face a great war...
The biggest enemy is in us...ourselves that firstly should be conquered...

Love one another...
When love fulfills our hearts, it will make our words and acts be a great impact for others. 
