Monday, February 21, 2011

Love in Action

Last year, God told me many times and taught me much about LOVE. To forgive and to give.
But if we talk about Love, it isn't about a nice word only... it's about an ACTION.

We're often trapped in a religious theory which thought in our minds and spoken in our mouths only.
We often forget to do it in action.
We're often trapped in complicated it makes us forget the simple thing to do.

Actually, we can do "Love in Action" in a simple way... just with ONE Simple Word... It is "CARING"
We can start it in saying/asking : "How are you?"... and we can continue it deeper through question by question or motivational words which could encourage people that we meet (to whom we speak).

It's very easy, isn't it?
But, sometimes we are lazy to do it.
We've been tired with everything we face in everyday.
We just focus with ourselves.... We forget to be a blessing for other people...

I thank God for He has taught me to do it since last month... it's still the beginning of a new year... but it's so impressive for me. I could learn how to express my love to my friend, not just in listening of her story and struggle...but I thought how to express it in an action. Though it's very simple thing... and not much... but, I did it...

Beside that... I learned to express my love and burden for a social action in another city. I gave a little amount that I could give. Maybe it's little for others...but for me... it's much enough.
And there're still a few things I could do. But, both of the actions above are about Giving.
It's not caused and based on what much I had...but with all I had and could do... The other side, I'm still praying for what I need a month ahead... ^^ but, I learned to obey what God spoke to me.

Experience by Experience He allows in my life...
And I am Amazed in every opportunity He's given...

Friends, what experience that God allows in your life?
Let's enjoy it !!!
He'll teach you more and more...
Let's start "Love in Action" from a little thing.

Have a wonderful journeys...
He's with you.. ^^


Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Be Joyful !!!

Let your hope keep you joyful,
be patient in your troubles,
pray at all times.

These weeks are running fastly... it's been the second month of 2011... many things happen in the beginning of this year... lovely, sad, sweet and so on...
If the good experience, it could make us happy and diligent to do something... but if it's sadly... sometimes we can't have a good response.

There's a lovely thing has happened at the beginning of this year... Lovely to do something good for others... to encourage for having enthusiastic passion in building relationship with God.
But at the other side, there's a sad story happened in my life... Again and again, it's about yielding my right... It happened last week... it's been more than one week right now, actually... When I was at a coffee shop, I did a careless thing that I'd never thought before, because in my mind I very trusted that place was a safety place.. so I left all my equipments for a while, except my wallet, to buy a cake at the bar of that cafe.

Maybe you can guess it fastly what had happened after...
I've lost something !!!
I've lost my beloved cell phones... both of them...
It's a terrible thing and I'd never thought or imagined it before... but it was a fact!!! hahaha...

But something different happened in me... it wasn't like me... I did a different response... I felt like I had been ready to face this thing... I wasn't angry with the man who has taken my cell phones... even I could bless that people and the family. Maybe they needed money, I thought... But I was sad because of the datas only...
I learn in practice about "Yielding my right"... I could release all my cell phones, and I said to some people... All of my stuffs are belong to GOD, they are from GOD, the money that I have to buy them is from GOD, too... so, if I lose them... the cheater doesn't have a business with me... but she/he has a business with GOD.

I learn to thank GOD... I learn to be joyful in everything...
I learn much through this matter.
I don't let the satan takes place of this matter...
I learn to keep my heart being joyful though it's sad thing for me.
I know that I have a Great God... A rich Heavenly Father...
HE can give me the new cell phones... hahaha... ^^

There's a power in giving HIM thanks... I've got a little support from my friend and my aunt to buy a new cell phone. That's a great thing for me... ^^
Thanks God for teaching me this valuable experience...
I learn to be more careful... ^^
And I pray for the people who has cheated my phones could know JESUS and becomes HIS disciple.


Tuesday, February 1, 2011

A Confirmation

Friday, January 21th, 2011... there's a staff meeting on that day, where the elders shared the focus of this year. It wasn't like usual, the meeting was opened by one of the elders, Ps. Sofjan. I was surprised when he asked us to read a verse of Bible, 1 Cor 2:9...I said in my heart, "It's what I've got since my last birthday in November 2010"...then the second surprise came when he asked us to read Jer 33:3... again I said, "That's the second verse I've got before!!! at same moment, too...on my birthday.."

It's just the opening of the meeting... I felt how God so loves me, so He gave the confirmation through my pastor. For along the meeting I was amazed by His revelation by revelation He has given in my life. Many times He has spoken to me first before someone talked to me. Then after the sermon, when we worshipped and prayed, the third surprise came. Ps. Sofjan led the worship, then he got a vision to share.. he saw a bay where there were many people standing, but there were just a few who swimming.. whereas many things they could get from the inside of the water.

I said again in my heart... "God... It's almost same as what I've got before... a week ago... You showed me a vision about a seashore where I was sitting with You facing the sea in front of us... and You said that I had to sail... the new journey... with YOU..."
You know, friends? I was crying when the vision said... again I was overwhelmed by His love, grace and goodness in my life...

Those are the three things of confirmation that God has given to me.
  • God will reveal His promises to me which I haven't seen, heard and thought before.
  • God wants me to hear what He says for everything I do. He would tell me the wonderful and marvelous things that I know nothing about.
  • The sailing I have to do with HIM.
Thanks God... the beautiful day with the beautiful confirmation.
Have Your ways in me, LORD... ^^
