Sunday, December 30, 2012

little good things...

 Well... i've just got a lit bit of time to share...
Remembering my birthday last month, God spoke to me that He will give His blessings all the days of my life.
I got a confirmation from my friend in Medan who text me about Deu 28:1-14.

You know? He revealed some of His promises through some of friends and my cousin. They gave me presents which are I hoped and wanted to buy.
Even though those are little things, I could learn something about thanksgiving and how great is my God that I have because He doesn't answer big things only but also little things.
And for big things that I hope for, i have to wait for His time come into my life.... 
Still do not know when, how, He will reveal it....but I am sure the time will come.... Ec 3:11


Tuesday, December 18, 2012


when i am weak, You make me strong...
when i am poor, i know i am rich...
when people see an impossibility,
i believe there is a possibility in You...
when things go wrong, i know that all things work together for good 
to them that love God,
to them who are the called according to Your purpose...

i have seen many things You've done in me
things which are good for my life...
even though i couldn't see what the goodness is at the beginning...
but now...
You've shown me...
Your Love...
Your Power...
Your Purpose...

and i wanna say,
"thanks God for everything..."


Friday, November 9, 2012

Vietnam - Cambodia Part 1

As I told before on my last posting that September was my happiest month, especially for this year... It's because I did a long trip to two different countries... They were Vietnam and Cambodia... ^^

at Mekong River - Vietnam

It started from May, when my aunt asked me if I wanted to join in her trip with her friends (co-workers) at office... She said to me that she wanted to pay the tickets then I'd pay the rest.
I agreed with her and started to arrange my schedule, then informed my leader to ask his permit for my leaving... I was surprised by every little thing I could face...

My trip was started on Sept 10 - Sept 15...
I went to Ho Chi Minh and Phnom Penh City... It was a nice trip in Ho Chi Minh because I had a handsome Indonesian tour guide...hahahaha... but he is younger than me...his name is John :p even though he is younger, but his face didn't show that he's younger... wkwkwkwk... :p (you can see the pic below)

John and I @ Chu Chi Tunnel

Here's the Diary...
Monday, Sept 10
We went to airport at afternoon because the flight was about 5pm... it took for about three hours until we arrived at Tan So Nhat airport - Ho Chi Minh City (Saigon City).
After our arrival for about 9pm, we changed our US Dollars into Dong first (Currency of Vietnam). Fortunately I had some Dong from Jakarta, so I just changed my US$ 40 = Dong 832.000.
After that, we went out then met with John, our tour guide who comes from Indonesia. It's a great opportunity to meet him, because we could speak Bahasa freely... hahahaha...

He took us to have dinner at an old Vietnamese resto. We ate a Vietnamese traditional food, pho (read: ve)... it's a rice noodle with vegetables and meat, where you can choose beef or chicken... at that night I chose chicken....
it's my chicken pho with cakwe (fried dough), chili, lemon, fish oil and Vietnamese tea

Next activity after finishing our dinner, we went to the Hotel... we stay at Tan Hai Long Hotel, near Ben Thanh Market... what a strategic place it was... ^^

Here is the story about my first night in Ho Chi Minh City....


Thursday, November 8, 2012

nice fellowship in Sept 2012

This September was my happiest one for along my journeys...
One of moments I had in September was a fellowship with my mentee and a friend from another city...
It was right a day after I came back from Vietnam and's on Sunday afternoon...

We ate at Pasta de Waraku resto... It was fun and nice fellowship moment which I could enjoy...
Even though I had to pay extra effort to get there (Grand Indonesia Mal), but it was valuable, I think...
After we had the food, I continued one on one discipleship with my mentee, Nerissa... We moved from Grand Indonesia to Taman Anggrek Mal.... ^_^

Full day it was...but i was excited... ^_^
Waiting for the next nice moments...


something good...

Sometimes we can't avoid some bad things or what we do not like happen in our lives....
We have to face it even though some unpredictable responses are appeared....
But actually, beyond our minds, there is something good for us through the things which are allowed to be happened in us.

I have one experience this year...
On my latest post, I wrote about Respecting Authorities which is very important for us to have as our habit...
It happened when I joint in a teamwork a few months ago.
It became a hardship when I faced it...but it changed into a joyful thing when I knew the goodness behind for my life.

I could learn many from that experience... I learned to trust my new authority even though it was just a temporary for along the training was held... I learned how to have and build a good teamwork where there were many weaknesses in every person. I learned how to have a humble heart despite of the fact couldn't support me...

More than those things above, I can have something which people can't buy and people can't steal it from my life... It's a new good character!
When I tried to share that experience to people after I won it, a few weeks later, there was a news for me... Even though it wasn't a happy thing or it related to my ministry that I had to do... I got something good which could bring me to enter my new and my bigger experience.
It was about a duty to serve people in a training camp in Medan. It will take for about one week for me to be in that city.
It was beyond my thoughts!!!
But it was real!!!
Beside that, last month, a present came for me.

It looks like a long long trip whereas it's usually hard thing for me to leave the office because of my busy job.
And two months ago, I just took a leave for my one week holiday in Vietnam and Cambodia.
I thought it would be impossible to have a permit from my leader.
But I was surprised when my leader said that I would be allowed to go. Woow!!!

It's something good, right?
Something good which happened after a process which I have won...

Maybe we often think that process is a hardship...
Maybe we often avoid it...or
Maybe we often fail to pass it...
But right now I can change my mind about "process"...
I can say that a process is an interesting and challenging thing....
It depends on our minds, i think...

So...what do you think about it?
If you think as how I think, you'll get that "something good" in your life...
Something good that you will not find easily... and can't be stolen from you...
Because it is about your Character...


Thursday, August 16, 2012

respecting authorities

"Do for others what you want them to do for you: this is the meaning of the Law of Moses and of the teachings of the prophets."
- Matthew 7:12 -

Do for others what we expect them to do for us... It's about the law of sow and reap... We can't ask others to do something if we don't do the same thing.
Sometimes it is very easy to say and to share this verse. Maybe we have heard about this sermon for many times. But the question is "Have we done it as our habit?"

I want to share what I learn these days about this theme of devotion. Oh yes, sometimes we can share the Word of God easily because we have known the logical meaning of the Word that we share. But, have we counted how many sharings which based on our personal experiences? 
This morning, suddenly my mind was disturbed by this thing and it made me thinking for along this Wednesday.

Respecting Others! Especially Respecting Authorities.
Easy to be said if we have good relationship with them.
Easy to be done if we have the same ways of thinking.

But, how it could be if there are some cases?
In example, if we have different opinion with them, if we know their weaknesses, if we have different principles or the way of thinking with them, Do we Still Be Able To Respect Them?

Those things came to me when I joined in a team-work two weeks ago. Facing different authorities made me learned to have good responses. It is not about the new people as my authorities, but about their leadership styles and temperaments which are contrary with mine... hahaha...
God reminded me to have good response to face them. Even though it was hard for me to accept, but I learned to have a humble heart and opened mind.

Respecting authorities needs a humble and sincere heart. When we know the weaknesses of our authorities, when we find the differences, we have to have those responses so we might have some adjustments with them without any difficulties. Without any difficulties? hahaha...
Yes! I am sure about it!
If we have had those responses as our daily habits, those good habits would become good characters in our lives.
The only challenge that we always face is ourselves!

Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as though you were working for the Lord and not for men.


Monday, August 13, 2012

my new idea...

Two weeks ago I got a new idea to start a new thing which I can do for other people around me...especially for children... It is not far from the burden that I have about education... It should be immediately to make it real, because the times run very fast....

Even though there was a feeling that I couldn't do it, I am trying and thinking how to make it real. Suddenly I remembered it before I wrote this post... ^^
And when I tried to think it deeper, another new idea came to me again... This new idea motivates me to go on... I feel like my blood can breathe fresh oxygen... hahahaha...

I just can pray... Lord, bless me... bless my new idea so I could bless others... Amen...^^


Friday, August 3, 2012

God's Perspective

Life isn't far from what we can name the way of thinking. Something that we think comes from what we see. What we see makes us have opinions...directly or indirectly. 
A direct opinion doesn't come on right away. It should be based on something what we have known before or we have thought about it, even though in different cases. It is called an experience. 
Experience can build a paradigm which causes how we think. 
So, the way of we see and think is called Perspective. How can it grow up in our lives? And what is the relation to God's Perspective?

In life, we can't avoid and be separated from this word...Perspective. It grows up naturally in every person even there's no one teaches or explains it. In fact, since we were in our mother's womb, it has been started. What our parents said and expressed about us could be planted in our lives. In example, if we were rejected by them (our parents) since our mother's pregnancy, even though they haven't told us about it, it could give a big impact for our lives.

I am a person whom ever experienced this thing. I was born by an accident which done by my parents. My mother shocked because of her pregnancy. She tried to make abortion through consumed many things because she dreaded to face the fact. I didn't know about this fact until my mother told me; but my responses, actions, behaviors, the way I felt, the way I thought could show that I was a child who had been rejected. I realized it when I knew God's Truth. It was a long process until I was recovered.

Experiences can make us build something which we think as a truth. No matter our thought is true or not, we have had many paradigms since we were created. As the time goes by it will be added...added...and added.
But I want to tell you about the truth that I believe which is from a greatest book of all. The book of guidance for living which is written His Love Letter for us where we can know about God's Perspective in it... Holy Bible.

What we think and believe should be compared with what is written in the Holy Bible. Because God's Word is the only Truth that we have to believe.
In examples:

If we think and see that we are nothing, His Perspective is different because Isaiah 43:4 says,  
"Since you are precious and honored in my sight, and because I love you, I will give men in exchange for you, and people in exchange for your life."

If we think that we are weak and can't do anything, Philippians 4:13 says,
"I can do everything through him who gives me strength."

Those are two examples I can show. There are many elses we will find in the Bible about God's Perspective. Don't hesitate to look for the ways out for our problems from the Holy Bible. And if we have found it, do not forget to meditate and confess it day and night as Joshua 1:8 says, "Do not let this Book of the Law depart from your mouth; meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do everything written in it. Then you will be prosperous and successful."

This is what I can share to all of you who read this article. I write it because I have experiences with The Truth. Whatever problems that you have right now... learn to see it not only through your perspective, but learn to see and think it from God's Perspective through reading and seeking from His Word.
You'll find New Excitement in life!
God is with you... ^_^


Sunday, June 3, 2012

just obey...

These days i am reminded about one word...

Obey what i have to obey...
There is a sacrifice in obedience...
Like what Abraham did when God asked Isaac to be sacrificed.

Let's do the same for God!!!
He is with us... ^^

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Be Still

He is here for the broken and life to the one who is undone
He is peace to the wounded and hope for the helpless one
He is here... He is here...

Be still my soul, be still
Be still my soul, be still
Wait patiently upon the Lord
Be still my soul, be still

When the waves rise against me and the wind tries to draw me away
I will stand on the mountain, safe in Your arms
I will sing... I will sing...

Be still my soul, be still
Be still my soul, be still
Wait patiently upon the Lord
Be still my soul, be still

Be still I know He is God
He is here... He is here...
Be still I know He is God
He is here... He is here...

So be still my soul, be still
Be still my soul, be still
Wait patiently upon the Lord
Be still my soul, be still
Wait patiently upon the Lord
Be still my soul, be still

~Kari Jobe~

Monday, January 16, 2012

Happy New Year 2012

Maybe it's too late... but I wanna say
Happy New Year All...
May we can finish this 2012 successfully...
God is with us... ^^

We can not know what will be in the future...
But we can prepare our hearts to face the future...
Let's begin New Journey with Him...!!!